
The Procedures below were drawn up by the Committee as working documents, as opposed to Rules which have to be agreed by a Members vote at an Annual General Meeting.  The Procedures give a consistent approach that everyone can refer to and understand, and can be improved by comments and experience subject to Committee agreement.

Procedure – Waiting List  

The purpose of this document is to explain the Waiting List procedure and the basic principles behind it, to ensure that a consistent and transparent approach is taken and that the Waiting List is not open to abuse.  The Waiting List Co-ordinator implements this procedure and acts at the will of the Committee.                                                                                                    

Procedure – Plots Inspection 

 The purpose of this document is to explain the Inspection and Resolution procedures, and the associated roles and responsibilities, to ensure that a consistent approach is taken.  The Plots Inspection Co-ordinator implements this procedure and acts at the will of the Committee.

Procedure – Bonfires                                                                                                   

The purpose of this document is to explain best practices for having and controlling bonfires at the Allotments.

Procedure – Bonfire Guidelines  – TVBC

This details the further guidelines and best practice required by Test Valley Borough Council.