Guidelines in relation to Rule 9 c), d) and e) and reference to plot inspection procedure.
All plots are to be used solely for the growing of vegetables, fruit and flowers. Planting of fruit trees other than dwarf trees, must have prior agreement with RAHA.
WEEDS. Members are asked to control the growth of weed, especially ragwort, mares tail, bindweed, thistle, dandelion and prevent going to seed.
HARDCORE. Only materials required for the growing of fruit and vegetables, e.g., manure, compost, peat, netting for framework, fruit caging should be brought on site. General rubble, aggregate, cement and unwanted household waste are not allowed on site, or allowed to accumulate.
SHEDS. Replacement of, or provision of a new shed, should not exceed 6’ x 6’, and only be placed on slabs or battens. A solid or cement base is not allowed.
GREENHOUSES. Replacement of, or provision of a new greenhouse, should not exceed 8’ x 8’, and may be placed on slabs if required.
LANDSCAPING. Provision of patios, other ornamental features etc are not allowed other than an area no larger than 10% of the plot size for benches, seating, storage, etc.
PARKING. Where plots that abut the driveways are used for parking, the parking space should where possible remain grass or laid with wood chippings only.
PATHS. All communal paths, and paths between allotments, are to be kept clear of any obstacles and remain grassed. Paths within individual plots should be either grassed or wood chippings used.
WATER. Members are encouraged to collect rainwater from the roofs of sheds, greenhouses etc, and collecting vessels, laid on slabs only and not sunk into the ground, should not exceed 1000 litre capacity and kept covered and secured at all times. A number of water pumps exist and members are encouraged to share this facility and any maintenance required. Approval must be sought from RAHA before any new pump is installed. If in doubt on any matter, or need guidance, please ask an officer of the RAHA beforehand.
Plot inspections seek to observe that a MINIMUM of 50% of a plot is actively used to grow crops and the remaining 50% maintained in a reasonable and tidy condition, and weed control exercised.